Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Consistency - steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.

Hello again squirrels.  I know I have not been consistent in my blogging.  I'll try to do a better job of this.  However, my inconsistency really has no effect on me or you.  Your inconsistency is a problem.

Last blog I spoke about intensity.  This blog, as you may have guessed by now, deals with consistency.  I have had several young ladies come to me for workout plans, and I am glad to help.  These young ladies are enthused and ready to go; for about a week.  Then a strange things happens.  They slip from working out 3 or 4 times a week to once every couple of weeks.  They are inconsistent. 

In order to get the most out of any fitness programs you MUST ( sorry, I didn't mean to yell) be consistent.  Make a schedule and stick to it.  You can not expect to see results if you don't work out 3 - 4 times a week every week.  I know you are pressed for time.  That is why I explained last blog that a hard 20 - 30 minute workout is great for college students.  If you do a hard, intense workout 4 times per week we are only talking about 120 minutes of exercise.  2 hours per week.  Throw in your warm up, cool down, and shower time and we are still only talking about 3 hours per week.  Most of you spend that much time texting every day.

I know after a hard workout you may be sore.  That is OK.  After a recovery day get back in the gym.  "But Charlie I'm still sore."  You will be for a few days, maybe weeks.  There is some truth to, "no pain, no gain."  Muscle soreness is to be expected.  You will hear many people say that the "no pain, no gain" idea is out.  Not so.  There is a difference between join or muscle pain and soreness.  If you have pain in the joints or pain in the muscles you may need to rest and reevaluate your program.  Muscle soreness is your muscles adapting to the stresses you are placing on the them.  This is how they know they  must get stronger to keep up with the stress level you place on them.  Thus, you get stronger!!

I promise I will be more consistent with my blogs if you promise to be more consistent with your workouts.  March on my little squirrels in an intense consistent way.

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