Monday, February 13, 2012


As many of you already know, Whitney Houston died this weekend.  How can it be that a beautiful, talented, intelligent women winds up dead in her bathtub of an overdose of drugs and alcohol?  The answer is: Choices. 

We all make choices everyday.  Some of those choices are good and some are bad.  Some bad choices don't matter much.  If you don't brush your teeth today, you probably will not suffer any long term damage.  Your friends may not want to get very close to you, but once you brush your teeth they will be back.  If you never brush your teeth you may have some bigger issues to deal with. 

Some bad choices can be devastating.  Getting behind the wheel of your car after drinking can get you or someone else killed.  This bad choice changes many lives and will never go away.  If you're lucky as a drunk driver, you may live, but that bad choice will be with you forever.

We often think about the big choices we make, but what about the little choices.  Why do so many young, talented, intelligent women at Mary Baldwin College, "Home of the Fighting Squirrels", overeat, smoke cigarettes, binge drink and do drugs?  Again, the answer is:   Choices. 

You make most of the choices in your life.  Please think about your health.  Many young ladies are setting themselves up for long term health issues because of the choices they are making today.  Some of these choices will affect you right now; some of these choices will not affect you for many years.  Please evaluate your life.  If you are making poor choices, start by making a change.  If you need help making the right choices, there are many people on campus willing to help you.

Some of you may think, "It's my life, I'll do what I want."  You are correct, it is your life.  Please make it a happy and hopeful life.  Be honest with yourself.  If you need help, seek that help.  If one person can't help, seek out someone else.  You know the difference between right and wrong.  Wrong can sometimes be easy.  Do what is right, not what is easy.

Whitney Houston made some terrible choices.  She was in a bad relationship.  She partied too much.  She threw away great talent and an ability to help many other people.  I remember her rendition of the National Anthem many years ago.  It is still one of the greatest ever.  She was a great talent.  I hope you don't feel I am speaking ill of the dead.  I am not; but the truth is the truth.  I hope she will find the peace she could not find on earth, but she is no hero.  She is a fallen star.  Please look at her tragic end as lesson.  Make good choices.  Take care of yourself.  Reach your full potential.

Make good choices as you march on squirrels.

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